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 Good morning / Good Day / Good night

I hope you are all epic! Sorry for the delay in posts today. I was stuck in a massive downpour here, early morning.

Zombie is a happening concept right? But how will they look in the far future?

Zombie cells in the far future would actually approximate to Mutants or extra capable cells. By then, all methods would have been taken to avoid a Zombie Apocalypse. 

Zombie cells which communicate to each other through internally built tubes. a typical conversation starts like this:

How are you?
Feeling pity on Metanor?
Any idea what happens on those holograms?

Also, you can insert a chip into them and program the way the cells are shaped. 

The same reason these cells can be stored in bottles. Or even stored on holograms for further assessment. They need to be fed with the environment, or else there is a chance of collapse.

Its sister cells are first found at Metanor's chambers. They are basically used for communication with the outer environment through their nerves. 

These Zombie cells are capable of forming soldiers who need no more training. Almost all capacities are built in their bodies. 

But these cells are found to exist now with a secret chip. 

Instead of forming soldiers, they are creating formations of the circuit and its characters. Perhaps to reveal something at a time when Metanor has got no soldiers to start with. Procedures are right, but still there seem to be betrayal. 

If they are so intelligent, there has to be another source of procuring and producing immense data. What is it and who is responsible for it?

Who inserted the secret chips? Again, how are they able to get the intelligence to read the Circuit?

Find out in 'The One Concirsciuit'

Take Care,

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