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Good morning / Good Day / Good night

How are you all? Hopefully, this poem written by me can make you warm.

Eighty years and I see nothing,
But her hands which first held my little fingers

Eighty years and I see nothing,
But those tears which secretly fell for me

Eighty years and I see nothing,
But her hunger which always kept me full

Eighty years and I see nothing,
But a warrior who took me through the storms

Eighty years and I see nothing,
But my dream which she wanted to realize more

Eighty years and I see nothing,
But her childish-joy when with me

Eighty years and I see nothing,
But her suffering without my warmth

Eighty years and I see nothing,
But her regret of still not doing more for me

Eighty years and I see nothing,
But the absence of her wants

Eighty years and I see nothing,
But the will to part away her own life 

For me. For us. Mother's love is the purest. No matter how your life is going, make sure you look after her.

Stop for a moment and think only about her. If you have a mother, you have the greatest gift. Indeed, you are more blessed than millions. 

Share this content with your mother. Make her day today.

Eighty years and I see nothing,
But her radiance all around me. 

Take Care,


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